Stage 1

As Talent Directors have to deal with the natural inclination of managers to either avoid having difficult but necessary conversations with under performers, or to gameplay the allocation of scores for either understandable but short-term considerations, or for less desirable reasons. They need to provide the Board with data that in simple language gets to the core of the organisation’s bench strength of talent and encourages the Board to release resources that can be used to develop more people. With TTM associates’ Talent Total Management Solution, we will help you master this with facts.
Creating a Talent Profile is critical for both employee and system success. An organisation cannot produce and develop superior Talents without first identifying what superior Talents are. To do this, TTM associates’ experts will deep dive in your organisation to collect all the data that will help you define your Talent Behavioural Characteristics, using the following after being fed by your Vision , Strategy , Values and Competency Framework for the Organisational Levels

Structured Interviews:
Interviewing The Executive Level and the Sr. Managers Level using a quantitative/ qualitative research with aim to ensure that each interview is presented with exactly the same questions in the same order. This ensures that answers can be reliably aggregated and that comparisons can be made with confidence between sample subgroups or between different survey periods.
Focus Groups:
Following the Brainstorming and Grouping Method, TTM associates experts meet with a selected group from the organisation. A focus group is a gathering of deliberately selected people who participate in a planned discussion that is intended to elicit perceptions about a particular topic or area of interest in an environment that is non-threatening and receptive. The focus group is a collective on purpose.
ONLINE Survey:
Employee Opinion surveys provide a picture of your organisation’s needs. These surveys can be used to solicit employee opinions on employee views of a successful Talent.
All our Methods Can be Done Face to Face or Over the Phone
The most frequently mentioned “cons” by Talent modeling experts regarding creating a Talent model is time and expense. This is also a potential reason why some organisations either don’t have a Talent model in place or don’t have a complete and comprehensive Talent model in place. Building a Talent model requires careful study of the job, group, and organisation of industry. The process often involves researching performance and success, interviewing high performing incumbents, conducting interviews, focus groups and surveys.
Instead of creating a Talent model, TTM associates can create a unique talent model specific to their organisation. We have many resources to use to create your Organisation Model.
TTM associates Leadership Competency Modelling – Organisations that don’t have the time or resources to build Talent Models can purchase comprehensive Talent Models from us. These Leadership competencies are customised to all organisations across functions and levels.

No matter which approach you choose, TTM ASSOCIATES’ team can also create optional Success Profiles, in addition to the competency model, that captures all of the key role requirements for a job group (for example, business-unit leaders).
The profiles go beyond competencies and unlock more of what matters most to your organisation, such as leadership characteristics, motivators, and career drivers. With these profiles, you can create a common language across business units. The profiles are used as the foundation for calibrating your approach across a range of talent management applications, including selection, succession, assessment, development, and coaching.
The result is a powerful competency model ready for implementation. Within an efficient time-frame, you will receive targeted, well-researched, relevant, and impactful competencies that are specific to your organisation and ready for implementation.
You will be confident that you have a consistent language of talent to align your workforce and a unified foundation for talent management solution integration. We believe in driving business success by aligning your people processes and structure to your business goals and charting a path forward that engages people and ignites potential.
We typically start reviewing job descriptions in order to clarify the needs and the goals of a job/level. The analysis is followed by structured interviews or Focus Groups or Online Surveys depending on the size of your organisation, after which a group of professionals synthetize the data and formulates the necessary competencies. We are careful to avoid overlapping or redundant competencies using our Whole Brain Technology.
You will receive a structured source of demands and needs for your Targeted Position or Level which you can use in selecting and/or developing where clear guidance is needed in order to reach the best performing workforce.
- Your organisation will speak the same language across all people-related situations
- You can make reliable HR decisions more rapidly
- You will simplify and structure performance appraisals
- Your employees and leaders will have a better understanding about your expectations and the key characteristics and skills needed for their jobs