Is your
Culture Ready
for the new era?
What is Culture?
An organisation’s culture refers to a company’s mission, objectives, expectations and values that guide its people.
Organisations with health cultures tend to be more successful because they have systems and values in place that enhance trust, performance, productivity and employee engagement.
When your people thrive, your organisation thrives.
Understanding your optimal culture begins with understanding the Values of your organisation.
Values – conscious or unconscious – are the motivation for every decision made or action taken.
Employees have their own values when they walk in the door, and they are influenced everyday by the values they experience in the organisation. Understanding the values currently at play is essential to identify the desired culture and put it into action.
Let’s stay connected!
Why Culture is important in the new era?
The dramatic environmental changes brought by in the post-2020 era have led to a shift in values, both in Personal and Organisational Values, making culture a critical success factor for any organisation in the new era!

Shift in Personal Values
• New values emerge in top priority during the pandemic: making a difference, adaptability, well-being, and caring
• Existing top priority values: continuous learning and family became even more important in the post-2020 era
• This shift in values reflects the need that people are feeling to take care of one another amidst the changes and uncertainty in the current culture

New Employee Experience
• Organisational Cultures shifted their focus from finance and effectiveness in to focus on people, agility, and communication.
• An increase in values around agility and innovation, employee well-being, and direction and communication
• During the COVID-19 pandemic, focus on results orientation and achievement declined
New Challenges and Needs
The COVID-19 Pandemic created an unpresented disruption in organisations across the globe, giving rise to new unforeseen challenges. Organisations are faced with new urgent needs that must be overcome urgently, for the entire organisation to survive and also to thrive in the new normal. HR needs to transform its model, operations and value delivery in the organisation, by taking a more strategic role on the top management table.
HR functions need to bring lasting business value by building the workforce needed to compete in the new era. The most urgent needs and challenges of the new era are:
- Talent Risk – Biggest Threat to the organisation’s long-term growth
- Retain Talent with essential new skills
- More connected HR function that drives value
- Drive a culture of innovation and new ways of collaboration
- Establish the right culture, where Employee Experience is key
- Enhance the capability to Attract, Retail and Grow the Right Talent to achieve organisational growth

Develop an organisational culture that promotes trust , unity , empathy , and engagement

Preserve Core Values and build a workplace that puts people at the forefront , while accelerating the pace of remote working .

Focusing on employee engagement through Employee pulse and satisfaction surveys
Urgent need for more Agile organisational structures

Enhance productivity and efficiency gains by establishing a hybrid working model supporting both office & remove work

Organisational structures and job roles need to be redesigned to accommodate the new normal , with high emphasis on promoting operational efficiency .

Redesign organisational structures and job roles to accommodate the new normal , with high emphasis on promoting operational efficiency
Do you know your organisation's
Culture Shift in the new era?
The Culture Shift
Different Priorities between Leaders vs Employees
There is a significant difference in values expectations and priority between leaders and employees for what is needed for the organisation to thrive in the new era:
Greater focus on agility and innovation, while also thinking more in terms of society and sustainability
Clear desire for greater direction and communication and continue to focus on working together by building trust and engagement.
Leaders need to find ways to keep employees informed and connected so everyone can move forward together
Do you know your employees ?
The Cultural Entropy score reveals the degree of dysfunction (friction and frustration) in an organisation that is generated by the self-serving, fear-based actions of the leaders. As the Cultural Entropy score increases, the level of trust and internal cohesion decreases.
It is the amount of energy in a group that is consumed in unproductive work.
Culture Entropy is a measure of the conflict, friction, and frustration that exists within a group.
It is the percentage of all the potentially limiting values that were chosen by the survey participants.
Results will be provided in terms of a percentage of entropy
Cultural Entropy® Quartiles
- 0 - 13% Healthy functioning
- 14 - 19% Needing attention
- 20 - 28% Requiring focused efforts
- 29%+ Notable issues
What does Cultural Entropy ® look like?

Energy available for productive work

Non-productive or destructive energy
Do you know your employees ?
Culture Entropy is a measure of the conflict, friction, and frustration that exists within a group.
It is the percentage of all the potentially limiting values that were chosen by the survey participants.
Results will be provided in terms of a percentage of entropy
Cultural Entropy® Quartiles
- 0 - 13% Healthy functioning
- 14 - 19% Needing attention
- 20 - 28% Requiring focused efforts
- 29%+ Notable issues

Energy available for productive work

Non-productive or destructive energy
Do you know your employees ?
It is the amount of energy in a group that is consumed in unproductive work.
Culture Entropy is a measure of the conflict, friction, and frustration that exists within a group.
It is the percentage of all the potentially limiting values that were chosen by the survey participants.
Results will be provided in terms of a percentage of entropy
Cultural Entropy® Quartiles
- 0 - 13% Healthy functioning
- 14 - 19% Needing attention
- 20 - 28% Requiring focused efforts
- 29%+ Notable issues

Energy available for productive work

Non-productive or destructive energy
Do you know your Culture Shift?
Take our Culture Readiness© Assessment to discover the Culture Shift in your organisation!